Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Journey Through the History of James Bond. 007 Journals.

My history with James Bond is a scattered one. I grew up in the Brosnan era and therefore he was my favorite Bond. That is until Casino Royale came out. I have seen every Bond from Brosnan to Skyfall but the earlier films escaped me for a long time. I had never seen a Sean Connery Bond film, seen bits and pieces of random Roger Moore films, and never saw either of the Timothy Dalton movies. Now I love James Bond. I've watched the Craig movies multiple times and same with the Brosnan ones but I felt it was time to rectify the gaping whole in my Bond knowledge.

So I started listening to a podcast that I am happy to plug, from the Nerdist network, James Bonding. It's a great podcast hosted by comedians with other film and comedian guests, and they watch all of the Bond films and talk about them. It's a great and fun listen where you can get some interesting thoughts on the films and some crazy trivia. For instance, I didn't know some of the movies had alternate theme songs that weren't in the films. Fascinating stuff. 

I became hooked on James Bonding and I decided to take matters into my own hands. I decided to watch all of the Bond films in order and write about my experience from the point of view of a twenty six year old watching them in 2015. So consider this the introduction to what I am calling my 007 Journals. I thought about taking an alternating order like James Bonding does but if I'm going to do this I want to do it right so I'm going from the first to the last. Hopefully I will finish up Skyfall before Spectre comes out and end the year on the newest one. So I hope you enjoy, I'm sure a lot of people won't agree with everything I have to say about these beloved films but hopefully some can agree and partake in the conversations as well.

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