Friday, February 7, 2014

Introduction and the Love for The Movies!

I can't remember what first drew me to the love of movies but I do know that it started when I was very young. Even to this day I still feel like a giddy school boy after watching a good flick. I remember going to our local video store and renting tapes almost every day and just watching any movie I could get my hands on. Now I'm in my twenties and nothing has changed except maybe the way I view movies, which is with a more creative focused mind. So who am I and what is the blog about?

My name is Jeremy and I am a movie enthusiast. I'm a writer for as a video game journalist and reviewer. While I love games (and wrestling which you may notice from my other blog) I love movies even more. While I write mostly video game related articles I have been working towards my goal of screenwriting. I've been writing since I was in grade school and writing movies and television has always been my end goal. Well this year I have finally finished my first draft of my first feature length screenplay. I'm currently working on subsequent drafts, as well as my next script, but in between all of that I still like to take the time to talk about movies. So on this blog you will see a wide variety of movie discussion. I will do analysis topics, reviews, and just kind of off the cuff style writing. I will probably talk a lot about my own writing experiences and projects but not too in depth.

So here's a little information about me. I love all kinds of movies. I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be snob or talk about how much better indie or art house movies are over blockbusters because I have a pretty wide (and let's face it, forgiving) palette. I just want to be entertained and I can find plenty of entertainment in movies that some consider bad or shallow. I'm just in it to be entertained so that's all I ask for. So here's just a little information about me and then we can get into some serious articles.

Now with any list of my movies, favorites are always subjective to what you've watched recently and my list is constantly changing but here are my top five favorite movies at the moment of this writing.

5. Tron Legacy
4. The Wrestler
3. Inception
2. Fight Club
1. Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back

My Top 5 Directors

5. Kevin Smith
4. Martin Scorsese
3. Quentin Tarantino
2. Christopher Nolan
1. David Fincher

Favorite Television Shows

5. Monday Night RAW (Kind of a cheap response I know!)
4. Friends
3. Archer
2. The Walking Dead
1. Californication

So that's a little information about me. If you want to know more then please sound off in the comments and you can find me on Twitter @advent_crash.

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