We had seen a teaser for Batman V Superman a little while back but it didn't really show much. This is the most we have seen of the movie to date. Now I am on record as saying that I thought Man of Steel was a terrible movie. There were things to appreciate in it but overall the film just had too many problems that I couldn't look past. Needless to say I didn't have a lot of faith in Zack Snyder or Batman V Superman, especially after hearing of all of the character additions and cameos. Well looking at the first real trailer I can say that I do find a lot more aspects of this film interesting. We finally have a story. Bruce Wayne was in Metropolis when Superman was fighting Zod and looks to have lost some people he cared about. He goes on a vendetta against Superman feeling that someone that powerful is too dangerous. At the same time Clark Kent seems to want to track down a story of this supposed Batman. The world also seems to hold a grudge against Superman for the destruction in Metropolis, something many people had trouble with in Man of Steel, myself included. I think the idea of holding him responsible helps me get over the Man of Steel battle but doesn't really fix anything about that movie for me. It does however make me more interested in this sequel. Judging from the trailer this is definitely a Superman sequel but looks to be just as much a Batman film, and my takeaway from seeing Ben Affleck as Batman is that he looks like a great fit for this version of the character. He looks great as Bruce Wayne and really fills out the Batsuit, which also looks fantastic. Honestly Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman all look really well realized. This however brings up the point of Wonder Woman. She feels very forced into this trailer which makes me fear she may be forced into the movie. My early prediction is that she will be the one to make these two come to their senses and realize they have to team up. I expect her to be present throughout the film and maybe only as Wonder Woman for a small portion.
One thing to notice is there are a lot of great looking heroic scenes in the trailer but Zack Snyder has always proved that he knows strong visuals. One thing that confuses me is the casting. So Superman looks to be in his thirties, while Batman is supposed to be older. Lex Luthor, played by Jessie Eisenberg, looks to be in his twenties at most. He also has hair in the trailer but we all know he goes bald somehow because they put out the previous image showing him as such. The ages of characters are just all over the place and it seems like they don't fit together. Even if we break off and look at Suicide Squad, Joker and Harley Quinn look very young and we are too believe they have been tangling with Batman for years? Long enough for the Joker to have killed Robin at some point? This is hinted at with the Robin costume spray painted by the Joker. A possible reference to A Death in The Family. Honestly the idea of a shared DC Universe is much more interesting than the Marvel universe but they are just make questionable decisions and the age of the cast is definitely one that stands out. The only real offense of this in the Superman V Batman trailer is Jessie Eaeinberg but honestly he's a great actor and his moments in the trailer work very well. "The red capes are coming" line is very haunting of how Lex feels about Superman and why he feels so threatened. Just with the history of Lex and Clark from the comics makes this interpretation of Luthor feel out of place.
So another thing to point out is some of the odd out of context imagery. There seems to be some flash back moments which are fine. I guess since it's a new Batman we have to see his origin again. One thing I noticed however is that there are some shots of soldiers wearing Superman logos on their arm fighting Batman who looks like he's been an underground resistance member. It feels very reminiscent of the Red Son story line and makes me think we will see a hypothetical future, either from Wayne or Luthor. It's an interesting idea and honestly Superman as a bad guy is always the most interesting part of a Superman story to me. I can easily see it being the thought process for someone wanting to take down Superman and I'm very curious to see it in the context of the film.
So the next trailer that was released was for Suicide Squad. Now for those that don't know anything about the Suicide Squad comics I feel the trailer tells you everything you need to know. You get a series of DC villains released from prison to work for the government as mercenaries. If they fail, well then the government just washes their hands on the situation because hey, they're just prisoners. When Suicide Squad was announced I can say that this was the film I was more excited for but having seen both trailers now I can easily say my interests have swapped. Some of this is my fault because when the DC lineup was announced there was emphasis on these films being much darker than the Marvel films, which mimics the differences between the comics as well. For some reason I was expecting a more silly tone to Suicide Squad, maybe something along the lines of a balls out action movie with quips. What the trailer showed was a super serious film that I just wasn't expecting. The things that keep me interested in this film are the characters. Harley Quinn is an iconic character that everyone has been waiting to see in film and I feel that she is perfectly cast by Margot Robbie and the trailer is definitely heavily focused on her. Unfortunately the trailer doesn't show us much of the film, which they are still shooting, and is just a lot of character shots and scenes of the team walking. We see a few action shots including one involving Batman, which we've seen from the set photos and videos, but over all we are just getting the gist of who the Suicide Squad are and what they look like.
So how do they look? Overall everyone looks great. Harley is the stand out and the one I'm most excited to see in the movie. Deadshot played by Will Smith is sort of an issue with me. At this point Will Smith has reached Tom Cruise status where I don't see the character that he's playing anymore, I just see Will Smith. He doesn't feel like a villain, he feels like an actor who thinks he's too big to be a straight up bad guy forced into a situation, but in all fairness I've never really read a lot of Deadshot material so maybe there's a lot of depth to that character that I Just don't know about. Now the major character to appear in the trailer, and the one that everyone is talking about, is Jared Leto's Joker. I have to say his actual performance seems fine. He's creepy and psychotic which is what you want to see. We all remember when the first picture of Leto in character was released and we saw the tattoos covering his body. There was a lot of negative responses to the tattoos but not everyone was convinced they would be in the movie. Well now we have our confirmation that the Joker will look like a Hot Topic reject in the film. Okay maybe that's harsh It's clear that I'm not a fan of the Joker's look. To be clear I liked his lines that he had in the trailer, I think he will be a fine Joker (though far from the best) but he is hindered by his look. Even the fans who want to defend it have to admit that this is not the version of Joker that we ideally wanted. I will obviously be holding off judgement until we see the film but so far Suicide Squad is looking less interesting to me. To be fair it's a long but bare bones trailer so hopefully we will see another before the movie releases that gives us more to look forward to.
So I would love to hear what everyone else thinks about the Comic-Con trailers. Feel free to sound off in the comments. So far I'm still skeptical but hopefully both movies blow us all away. I know I'm ready for some darker comic book movies.
So the next trailer that was released was for Suicide Squad. Now for those that don't know anything about the Suicide Squad comics I feel the trailer tells you everything you need to know. You get a series of DC villains released from prison to work for the government as mercenaries. If they fail, well then the government just washes their hands on the situation because hey, they're just prisoners. When Suicide Squad was announced I can say that this was the film I was more excited for but having seen both trailers now I can easily say my interests have swapped. Some of this is my fault because when the DC lineup was announced there was emphasis on these films being much darker than the Marvel films, which mimics the differences between the comics as well. For some reason I was expecting a more silly tone to Suicide Squad, maybe something along the lines of a balls out action movie with quips. What the trailer showed was a super serious film that I just wasn't expecting. The things that keep me interested in this film are the characters. Harley Quinn is an iconic character that everyone has been waiting to see in film and I feel that she is perfectly cast by Margot Robbie and the trailer is definitely heavily focused on her. Unfortunately the trailer doesn't show us much of the film, which they are still shooting, and is just a lot of character shots and scenes of the team walking. We see a few action shots including one involving Batman, which we've seen from the set photos and videos, but over all we are just getting the gist of who the Suicide Squad are and what they look like.
So how do they look? Overall everyone looks great. Harley is the stand out and the one I'm most excited to see in the movie. Deadshot played by Will Smith is sort of an issue with me. At this point Will Smith has reached Tom Cruise status where I don't see the character that he's playing anymore, I just see Will Smith. He doesn't feel like a villain, he feels like an actor who thinks he's too big to be a straight up bad guy forced into a situation, but in all fairness I've never really read a lot of Deadshot material so maybe there's a lot of depth to that character that I Just don't know about. Now the major character to appear in the trailer, and the one that everyone is talking about, is Jared Leto's Joker. I have to say his actual performance seems fine. He's creepy and psychotic which is what you want to see. We all remember when the first picture of Leto in character was released and we saw the tattoos covering his body. There was a lot of negative responses to the tattoos but not everyone was convinced they would be in the movie. Well now we have our confirmation that the Joker will look like a Hot Topic reject in the film. Okay maybe that's harsh It's clear that I'm not a fan of the Joker's look. To be clear I liked his lines that he had in the trailer, I think he will be a fine Joker (though far from the best) but he is hindered by his look. Even the fans who want to defend it have to admit that this is not the version of Joker that we ideally wanted. I will obviously be holding off judgement until we see the film but so far Suicide Squad is looking less interesting to me. To be fair it's a long but bare bones trailer so hopefully we will see another before the movie releases that gives us more to look forward to.
So I would love to hear what everyone else thinks about the Comic-Con trailers. Feel free to sound off in the comments. So far I'm still skeptical but hopefully both movies blow us all away. I know I'm ready for some darker comic book movies.